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Seismic Interpretation and Modeling


Terrasense, Inc.

MagCalc is a subset of TerraTools that processes and analyzes magneticsurvey data. Functions can run in either interactive or batch mode.MagCalc comes with a subset of TerraTools utility functions that containprocessing steps from input to output. A test data set is included.NEW_PARAGRAPH MagCalc separates raw magnetic data containing informationabout geological sources from that containing nongeological sources, suchas time-varying changes in the intensity of the earth's field caused bythe ionosphere. It prepares magnetic data for mapping and interpretationby removing the unwanted nongeological information. MagCalc features theability to tie a series of profiles for surveys measured in grids, andrecompute profile data from one arbitrary datum to another to correct forvariations in distance between the sensor and the magnetic source.

Language: FORTRAN-77, C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: SunGKS RTC color workstation system or monitor, color graphics processor
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Terrasense, Inc.
PO Box 10845
Golden, CO 80401
Phone: (408) 745-0713
Fax: (408) 745-0140